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smack me down if i suck | 14 December 2001 | 11:10 am

I want to be your sledgehammer
why don't you call my name
you'd better call the sledgehammer
put your mind at rest
I'm going to be -- the sledgehammer
this can be my testimony

the wonderful thing about having a circle of friends is that there is an amazing bounty of love and support which is given freely at any moment of weakness, strife or conflict.

the problem with having a circle of friends are the inner conflicts that arise because of misunderstandings and misinterpretations and whispers of this and rumors of that...and because there is so much love an concern, the whole ring erupts with helpful gestures and good intentions.

friends, friends...and matters of the heart.

i got burned from my good intentions early on, letting a friend in on the fact that i smootched her X, and was that ok?

it wasn't

and *wank*wank* and *blah*blah* and eruption. and then again with the clown and harley-quinn...and opinions and pain and *stab* and *wrench*.

i have yet to talk to her still, though i miss her ways and thoughts

interesting at least to stand to the side of the circle and watch it implode and such -- but i try to stay away from the conflicts when i can, afraid of getting drawn in.

i have enough of my own to deal with

par example: TT and i's upset last week, just before the weekend. he was so very sad, and i thought that i had caused it all...but it was just a sad day, love remained.

bootyboi: you are not the only one who is allowed to get sad sometimes, you know...

love, I don't like to see so much pain
so much wasted...
...and this moment keeps slipping away
I get so tired of working so hard for our survival
I look to the time with you
to keep me awake and alive

someday i may stop blaming myself for the grief and strife of the world, but it is hard, so ground into me it functions as an organ.

perhaps i should have it removed?


i almost forgot about the boi-wisdom that addiktion bestowed upon me last night...

addiktion: do you know how guys apologize?

bootygrrl: huh? how they�?

addiktion: yeah *giggle*

bootygrrl: ooh! please�!

addiktion: well, if two guys are hanging out and one says something that the other didn�t like and they get into a fight and say things they didn�t mean�

bootygrrl: they say they are sorry?

addiktion: NO! *snicker* not that� the next time they see the guy they talk to them more

bootygrrl: about the fight?

addiktion: No, no�*chortle* they spend more time with them, talk about the weather or work or something else,�they just talk�and they do that three or four times.

bootygrrl: and that is it? they totally ignore the fight and never say sorry?

addiktion: yep. *snicker*

bootygrrl: woah, holy shit. this is a revelation! i�ll have to write about it�

and here you have it, ladies�heh. i asked bootyboi his opinion and he agreed about small problems and such, but he said that he apologizes if the argument or problem is really big.

girls analyze everything in complete and utter detail�! we address every single problem�we apologize for anything and everything.

no wonder there are misunderstandings!!

heh�i know it is a generalization�or is it? boyz? smack me down if i suck�


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