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weak of heart and mind | 25 June 2002 | 12:01 pm

it is amazing how much the muscles in my right leg have atrophied in the last ten days. it seems to have expanded a bit overnight due to no longer being bound by the bandages� but it is still noticeably smaller than the other one.

there are all sorts of pains working around, and up and down today. the back of my knee smarts, not used to flexing�not used to use.

the large bruise on the side of my leg where they injected the anesthetic aches.

    goofyanesthesiologist: this is where we will make the injection, then slowly release it, pulling the needle out as we do so�thusly hitting all of the major nerves running down your leg. your leg will be nicely dead.

    booty: nicely dead?

    goofyanesthesiologist: shh, you did not hear that... (wispering behind hand) to tell the truth, that is the slang we use when you are under�we�re going to give you something fun for the surgery too!

    sillyorthopedicsurgeon: (shuffles in all dance step-wise, whistling a happy tune underneath his breath) hello there booty� WELL, HELLLOooOOOoo THERE FOOT! (tickles foot with his marker then draws a big arrow down booty�s leg to her foot) THIS is the ONE!

    booty: (rolls eyes, glad she�ll be under soon)

my doctor is a silly man, but an excellent surgeon, or so they say. everything looks pretty freaking good to me, so *shrug*. i had him explain to me yesterday what the complication with the surgery was:

weak of heart and mind need not read further,
thank you.

it seems the ganglion cyst did not originate from one of my joints after all. the MRIs did not show it, but the cysts had originated and grown completely within the protective sheath which surrounds one of the tendons in my foot.
the wall of this sheath was somehow weakened, perhaps due to a propensity toward weakness, and fluid was trapped there.
this fluid built up and created a bubble, which my white blood cells tried to take care of, leaving a fibrous deposit of protein behind, or rather, a cyst.
this cyst and its little friend were nestled snugly right up against my tendon inside its sheath.

thusly the complication. the cysts were removed and a window was cut in the tendon sheath which will scar over and completely, we hope, seal the weakened spot shut.

at least to me.

i have to keep my foot out of the sun for a year

tt, remind me in hawaii!!
and heal heal heal away.

tee hee, the end.

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