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taught me a few things | 25 April 2002 | 1:35 pm

i had a delightful lunch today with my book�mmm�once again i�ll recommend it to everyone, the guidetogettingiton. it does not bite, k? somehow it takes convincing, but i swear it is a good read � and even taught me a few things.


so, today�lunch.

i read the masturbation chapter. hee hee, there is something quite amusing about sex guides and lunchtime. unfortunately today was bring your kids/grandkids to work day and i had to keep covering up the fun fun funny seventies-style sex illustrations when the little ones would refill my coffee.


i have nothing against young children and exposure to sexuality � i am just of firm belief that i should have nothing to do with such things. (�and for christsake please no child pr0n or sexual abuse, i mean, really.) i had my first exposure to sex through my mother�s soap operas and wobeastman�s romance novels.

*rolls eyes*


�of course, i cannot expect a woman who nevereventhought about masturbating let alone oral sex to expose me to the joyofsex or any other useful sex guides.


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