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shrug it it raw | 10 March 2004 | 11:55 am

it is such a good feeling! - i very much like being the first person to use the freshly cleaned toilet in the morning...woo hoo! it is strange, yes, that more places in suxburgh do not have the strange wax-papery seat covers...i think i am addicted to them now.

it's such a good know you're alive
it's such a happy feeling, you're growing inside
and when i wake up i'm ready to say:
i think i'll make a snappy new day...



i am determined to have a good day today, i am (even though i forgot me pass card at home and have a zit bindi.)

yes - today is a bit morning tirade, no hyperventilating, no ADDboy annoyance as of yet (yesterday was icky in that department, rrr) - of course, he's only been here 10 minutes.
no - today will be good. i shall slough it all away...shrug it it raw.

today is mine.


i am liking these mornings waking and breakfasting with my tt, walking to the bus, waiting, boarding all with him - his sleep-bobbing head bouncing with the bus, leaning ever so slightly against the length of my body as he slumbers and i read...

we meet after work on days i do not meet sither for the gym...we explore and is just as i had hoped for three (3!) years while he flew and flew away and back to me for the traveling treat of nastiness and decompression.

of course, now he gets all sides at once, all tantrums and joy all heaving and humping...the good the bad and, yes, the repulsive.

sometimes this causes frustration...

if it did not, i think i would be puzzled - either that or would automatically assume one of us was either incredibly weak/give-in-ish or dead. relationships are supposed to have bumps and bruises every now and then - it is how you(pl) work through them together that matters.

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