contact be on of us recent in the past
we�ll do lunch. | 25 October 2003 | 7:16 pm

�and people ask � hey there, what is going on in your life now, miss.move-away-and-loose-contact-with-the-world, miss.communication, miss.i-do-not-want-to-talk-about-it, miss.ttfn?

things here are starting to improve. there is change in the wind�change with my personal self as well as a bit of change with the TT relations as well as the general state of living here.

supposedly we are making our way in to fall � today was 85 degrees and sunny as fuck, the deciduous trees bright blood, and the sweaters all out in their seasonal style.

dreams as of late have been riddled with anxiety, the half-awake at eleven pm, making up some sort of imaginary catastrophe and not realize until the morning shower that no, you do not have to ask a week off or create a certain report or�etc. but you stayed up all night half-asleep worrying about it anyway kind of dreams. last night was the first night had more than three consecutive hours of sleep this week.


the studio is set up and mostly unpacked � next a filing cabinet and computer desk and chair � then unpacking will be complete.

and in a completely different corner of the galaxy�.

i have joined a gym and am taking some personal training sessions which are touching on everything from bone/muscle memory to yoga to diet, tai chi, modern dance, and how to use the slightly intimidating machines. fun to throw in the asian arts�this may be something i can actually enjoy. (i was quite terrified going to meet her for the first time, expecting some assy blond with a six pack and an attitude but overjoyed when she turned out to be a pale, dark-red dyed hair geek dater.) rockin.

i could actually have a beer with this chick.


*change of subject*

ever have something that you wanted for a super long time and worked so very hard for years for � finally develop to fruition, only to find that you are terrified when it is just about to happen?

TT put in his letterofresignation to the germans on wednesday�he starts at his new job on nov 10th, in dahntahn SF, .6 miles from thenetwork.

we�ll do lunch.

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