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squid on the brain | 10 October 2004 | 10:02 am

i may have fibbed last entry, yes. there is no way that i have, in fact, kicked the sick. the march of the throat squid continues, and not to belittle the nose urchins, of course, they get their own mention. crunchy. interesting how much of my time i devote to taking care of others, and i cannot seem to devote the same kind of attention to myself.


in any case, i am thinking of trying this odd mixture of honey and red wine vinegar teaspoon of stuff you drip down your throat - supposedly it puts squid on ice. we shall perhaps see, the crazy audi technician cure. (i am not certain i am desperate enough to swallow vinegar as of yet - although i am having tea with honey and lime juice at the moment due to lack of lemon.)

but - on other topics more exciting (?) than illness (my goodness what could top that?) tt and i now have gi (pronounced gee - like geek, but without k) we'll amaze people with our astounding white pajama-like outfits before we throw them. of course, it would be much more surprising if the whole class were not wearing them - heh.

ok, i am not making sense. i cannot think with squid on the brain - i think i'll go grocery shopping.

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