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weekend body fuck rocks boots world | 06 October 2004 | 12:46 pm

friday was an interesting night full of makers mark and hanging out with the one guy at work who just may have a freakin clue. unfortunately, after the epiphany (oh my, he's cool, how odd) we spent two hours on the verge of scream screaming while sharing the hideousness of work with each other. it was desperate, fast and loud - like elevator fucking, but with less rail marks on the butt.

the next day was laryngitis and ill. yes, this is my idiot complaint about being on my back all weekend, and in the least fun of ways. *shrug* i have been more sick, for sure. tt, my best beast, was ill immediately after me and the weekend developed into a sniffly snugglefest. sunday we built a fire, ordered chinese food, and played canasta with kitties in our laps. all in all, not a bad weekend - although i would have rather been healthy.

in any case, i am kicking the sick today (or at least by tomorrow?) i have run out of dayQu-ill at work, so something has to give. today i can talk about 91% normal, and last night was Aikido, so i am surely getting there.

speaking of Aikido/exercise/bodyhell, i seem to have developed a problem with my sciatic nerve (payback for making fun of oldies when a kid no doubt, "Ay! My Sciatica! Oh Oh!") mostly after a month i am flexible again, mostly.

why is it that when you try to get healthy, all of the aches and pains come out?

whatup with my fat/muscle ratio changing but my weight staying the same? (muscle is heavier than fat, yadda yadda, etc.)

i am so frustrated. i want to be healthy and shrinky. i want to like clothes shopping. i want to look in the mirror and get horny. after over a year of solid and hardcore working out i should light up the sky like a flame.

peh - patience is key, but where is reward and reason, less pain more gain?

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