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you are almost there | 29 January 2004 | 4:29 pm


today is tiresome - i call and call the ScaryFederalCreditUnion and they keep fucking up my loan application. it is depressing...i long to start saving money, and stop wasting time.


things at work with ADDboy seem to be improving - pathetic that we had to give him a checklist to complete every evening - seriously, is this guy 4 or 24? no difference as far as i can see...well, he may be a bit taller. there is mention of me getting a fulltime assistant for the archive, and i tell you, rock...oh yes, roll my brother.

i am tired of all of this as it is, even though there is improvement, 1.5 hrs of help on average every day is just not cutting the proverbial...butter? cheese? what is it cutting when it is "cutting it"?


we have been in this town almost a year and have barely gone out to any clubs, barely met new people - damn shyness - or explored. we are tired tired people. my fortune cookie the other day stated you are almost there. it made me sad. almost, but not quite good enough, not quite there, always on the verge...but not.

it was true.

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