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the push | 08 February 2003 | 9:10 pm

as i feel like i am secluding and hermiting myself away from those i love, cocooned, i am also becoming increasingly numb and distant from myself. this is possibly some sort of self preservation so as to not self-destruct upon moving across a country.

sither is moving to deutschland in a few months, and tt�s close friend in SF is moving to LA in the fall. this will leave us with friends in a new city.

we have our reasons to go now, not the least of which being that i do not wish to miss out on living in the same city as sither for a while, and plans are set. on february 28th we will fly, kittens in tow, to fog and trains, to the trolley home of treats.

exciting and a bit unnerving...and something that also makes me horribly sad. (?) tt is gone for three weeks and the kittens do not talk back. work is getting more busy, packing is looming, plans are forming and congealing on the walls.

i am afraid that i have not been a good to those i love and that i have lost everyone already. one never knows how disturbing last suppers can be until is almost like watching funerals.

i will take whom i can with me, i will.

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