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Interview Meme 2 - Succubus Style | 09 May 2005 | 4:01 pm

Your interview, my dearest!!! questions a la my succubus

1. What are your thoughts on love? How do you practice these or how is it involved in your daily life? heh, i was just discussing this with tt the other day - my life priorities. some people value their art or career more than their relationships, and when i was single this was somewhat the case, but even then i was very involved in my friends trials and tribulations. i have always been very relationship and love oriented. i tend to be there, the one who is called, the listener, the support network, etc. i give my love freely as long as there is no advantage or emotional vampirism around. without love i would not want to be alive, it is uber to me.

2. What was your favorite moment sexually? Why? my favorite moment sexually was when I had just escaped from myself in Boston and was back home in Suxburgh, i was in my childhood room reading a sex manual (the guide to getting it on, if you have not read, for shame) and playing with my majicwand. i was 25 and i had my first orgasm, and it was marvelous. i knew i could pick up the pieces and would be ok on my own *smile*

3. When you think of growing old, what does it mean to you? What do you hope is your greatest accomplishment? when i think of getting old i think of a fast car off of a high cliff, i also daymare about the people i love and not being able to bear them dying first. selfish me. i think my greatest accomplishment would be knowing that i was a true, loyal and good friend to my importants, my kindred.

4. What is your biggest fear? How do you deal with it? i have a fear of cement stairs meeting my teeth - the crunch and the blood and the teeth scattered like corn on the step. i am also afraid of amputation. how do i deal? i am careful, yes, careful�and quick like ninja.

5. If you could have been any person (past, present, dead, or alive), who would it be? Why? peh - i hate these questions. i am no history buff, and care not about politics, etc. hrm. i would have to say that i would want to be a performer like Madonna, David Byrne, Bjork or Tori - not because they are successful or have a following, but because they are really into their art in their own ways, and have no fear of self expression. I wish I was that unafraid of myself and being seen.

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