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like little woven gloves, but made for feet | 18 February 2002 | 2:51 pm

Live Life
Eat Curry!

thank you indian food restaurant for making me smile, not a little, edge-of-lip smile either, this one was flagrant.


now, if only my tum would stop the gurgle gurgle ache from lunch we could concentrate on spending the rest of the day in a peaceful state of macn'cheese bliss.

and toesox!

one of my very favorite things, like little woven gloves, but made for feet! ...allowing ultimate toe movement and freedom -- also great for sandals!

this weekend my TT showered upon me gifts of toesox (and i fossils) but most importantly the sox. heh. at dinner last night with the rents and wobeastman/kids i exposed my wiggling toes to the children, who were less amused than i that each toe was a tiny puppet (toe puppets!) with a face and ears and such -- TT and i's favorite being the grey-whiskered squid on my pointer toe.

the children were confused at the exposure, and shied away from the joy and amusement...but perhaps i have won, after all, instilling a life-long love of toe freedom in these children?

i can only hope.


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