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urge to stick ones fingers up | 22 January 2002 | 1:59 pm

so, last thursday i went through the first two tutorials for my database class...all shockingly interesting i ass-ure you. now, in class, it seems we are to work on the second one, which i have already completed but have not ftp'd and such...pleh. stuck on the home puter, but no matter, really.

i just type and type, busy me, so confident in my work that i need not ask questions about this assignment. *shrug* it always takes a bit to get into the timing of the much and when homework should be due. we seem to have some sort of diagram due for next week, a conceptual E-R chart (Entity-Relationship, if you must know). this point i am longing to go back to work.


and that is perhaps saying much...for i will have to begin training hairlip either today or tomorrow. (did you ever notice how much some people never evolved far enough to loose that monkey look? ...that blank stare, loose jowels, the urge to stick ones fingers up the nostrils...)

i am just downright mean today.

i am trapped trapped trapped in this class...for the next 15 min.

the professor walks around and checks on our work, so i cannot even draw. i am thinking what good is going to class if i can do not artwork in it? and then i realize yet again that i am either in the wrong program or the wrong school...or i have already completed my work for the day and want to go. *sigh*

ten more minutes...just pointed out a problem with the example database...heh, that will keep the professor busy for a while.

in the first part of class (not lab), there was this bizarre prude-y girl sitting beside me, who obviously decided that she understood relational databases better than the professor, for when i asked a question in class -- she answered it. (and wrong, i may add.)

heh. silly grrl. just because i am working on zig's wedding present during class *sketch*sketch* does not mean that i am not paying attention and need the prude-y girl to instruct me in quite the patronizing tone. after all, she was reading the bible or something at the same time as the lecture...but i guess she was all about his business, so THAT was alright.


nothing of any worth in this entry...nope.

five more minutes, is working, this writing in my diary to kill time thing.

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