contact be on of us recent in the past
grazing touch of his paw | 23 October 2001 | 11:40 am

last night...a call...from thepalewanandsickly. *smile* she is coming for a little visit tomorrow, all the way from long island, to share the feel safe. sweetgrrl. so sad.

what can i do for her but take her out to a strip club, bake apple/pear/ginger pies and take her to the carmina burana ballet... that should help� that and perhaps copious ammounts of smokies.


�this morning i awoke singing dm�singing in the bedroom, in the shower, in that perfect moment where TT and i lay together in the bed, our bodies touching and moving against each other � our minds not quite awake�

I'm waiting for the night to fall
When everything is bearable
And there in the still
All that you feel �is tranquillity

There is a sound in the calm
Someone is coming to harm
I press my hands to my ears
It's easier here just to forget fear

and dm has become bootyboi music to me, as well as david byrne and wolfsheim�forever tainted with the smirky curve of his lips, his whispers in the hollow of my throat, fingertips dancing on my wrist.

and i wanted to capture this morning, to remember.

sometimes i wonder how long it will be before the fighting begins, before we stop enjoying kissing, embracing in the kitchen in-between trips to the stove with ingredients, nestled together on the couch and missing movie scenes � each other�s eyes, lips, skin so much more interesting. and i wonder�does this have to go away?

every morning cherished�we wash each other�s backs in the shower, and fronts and hair and faces, all legs and arms, sudsy slick, kissing underneath the water�s spray, �how we touch each other when passing, a gentle touch � our seshakitty does it too when we walk past, a light, grazing touch of his paw to let us know that he is there, that he likes to be with us. we sip coffee, mange croissants and banana bread while first light drips down through the windows. kitties on laps, purring and playing with each other�s toes underneath the table�


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