contact be on of us recent in the past
excerpts from a conversation...or, how i talk and think | 25 September 2001 | 4:15 pm

meatnog: Hey you.

bootygrrl: hey there sweet meat

meatnog: Did you get my msg about me and T?

bootygrrl: nope

meatnog: We're coming on Thursday.

bootygrrl: um...ok, coming where?

meatnog: Wasn't that the plan? Your house.

bootygrrl: heh, ok. i'll need some fun on thursday night. *sigh* we'll have to decide on a movie

bootygrrl: *grin* rockin

meatnog: How's you feelin BTW?

bootygrrl: heh. i think yahoo is burping today...i am still a bit sicky

bootygrrl: hoping that goes away soon

meatnog: Is that ok? The Thursday thing.

bootygrrl: i believe so, email the mister? he's in cincinati

meatnog: It was his idea :)

bootygrrl: hehehe

bootygrrl: /me wants some really really good food too

bootygrrl: really good.

meatnog: Well, T and I are poor, so...

bootygrrl: maybe we should meet after dinner

bootygrrl: because i fear surgery and anesthesia

bootygrrl: and not waking up...therfore plan to live thursday like a motherfuck

bootygrrl: *grin*

meatnog: Ok. I know you do. It'll be fine. We can drink, if you're allowed to :)

bootygrrl: um, and thin my blood?

bootygrrl: think again, only pot for me *grin*

meatnog: Heh, ok.

bootygrrl: tee he heee *grin*

bootygrrl: i am getting really anxious

bootygrrl: yep yep, worried worried me

meatnog: *hug*

bootygrrl: i am not sure if i will feel like smokin anyhoo

bootygrrl: trying not to get too worried or depressed about the whole boob thing

meatnog: It'll be ok, I know it.

bootygrrl: i hope

bootygrrl: cuz i do not know if i can go through this again

meatnog: *HUG*

bootygrrl: but i am determined to be fixed correctly

bootygrrl: but every time

bootygrrl: more physical and emotional scars

meatnog: *hugs ya tight*

meatnog: How did it all start?

bootygrrl: with not having confidence in myself

bootygrrl: ugly ugly

bootygrrl: pendulus yuck

bootygrrl: and no running

bootygrrl: or playing

meatnog: So you had surgery to 'fix' them?

bootygrrl: yes, reductionary and such

meatnog: How long ago?

bootygrrl: 1996

bootygrrl: spring

meatnog: *nod*

meatnog: How many operations since then?

bootygrrl: one, but awful

meatnog: Bleh.

bootygrrl: horrible horrible

bootygrrl: and not enough anesthetic

bootygrrl: and i felt the whole thing

bootygrrl: and was awake

meatnog: Ow....

meatnog: Ow ow ow

bootygrrl: and asked them to stop

meatnog: OW

bootygrrl: and no.

bootygrrl: i told them that i could feel the scalple

meatnog: *winces and cringes*

bootygrrl: i told them it fucking hurt

meatnog: Ok, ok. You don't have to tell me more.

bootygrrl: i told them to stop, but no.

bootygrrl: *shrug*

meatnog: *hug*

bootygrrl: i just want this to be over

bootygrrl: but i am really scared

meatnog: I know.

bootygrrl: that this time won't work either

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