contact be on of us recent in the past
no pee | 09 June 2006 | 4:46 pm

guess what - the government is trying to cut federal funding for public broadcasting stations (again) - please help PBS and NPR survive! - note when you sign the petition you need only enter in your name, e-Mail, and zipcode, not your whole address *smile*


in any case - my darling tt and i will be in town next weekend for meatnog's tiki among other things. please if you can come out to tiki and see us! my sither and her family is in town as well, so we may not have too much hanging out with friend time aside from the tiki - although some bowling on friday night may happen, not sure.

!! *bounce* !!

please let me know if there is anything specific you'd like to do with me outside tiki and we'll try to get together.

also, tt has a new job! well, he's signing the papers this weekend - goobye tummy aches, and hello working two blocks away from your wiggly wife. lunchtime hugs here we come. i'll try not to pee.

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