contact be on of us recent in the past
as promised, the vows | 27 September 2005 | 9:07 am

�after Merrydeath�s intro:

MerryDeath: There is a popular anecdote that states Love is like wine, it improves with the passing of years. Your love is as vibrant and complex as the intertwining of vines �or the intricate symmetry of grapes - like a well-aged vintage, over time your love will grow in character and depth. Each wine is unique, and has a charm, temerity and radiance like no other - as a symbol of their individuality, TT and Boot have each selected a wine for today�s celebration.

*[obtain carafes from parents and JA/TT hold carafes]*

MerryDeath: As you state your beliefs, think of the wine in your carafes and let it be a reminder in essence of who you are - and the singular qualities you bring to this relationship.

Boot and TT - Do you believe in your self - that you are an individual being functioning as a significant part of another�s life, that you have your own rights and responsibilities but that you choose to share them with one another, that the path you choose, your aspirations and dreams, are important and not to be wholly sacrificed for each other�s happiness?

both: I believe�

MerryDeath: Do you believe and trust in your relationship - that you will support and give care to each other selflessly - especially when it is needed most, carry each other�s burdens when exhausted, and work through your concerns with each other openly, honestly and with the other�s best interests in mind?

both: I believe�

MerryDeath: Do you believe that your differences will be accepted and celebrated - that your strengths will enhance and improve each other�s fragilities, building upon each other�s dreams and goals, constantly striving to learn what the other has to teach, and believe the knowledge of mutual growth that is found in comfortable silence?

both: I believe�

MerryDeath: Do you believe that even though you will hurt each other, it is not your intent - that you will share each other�s pain and seek to ease it, that you will delight in each other�s laughter and look toward the brilliance of life, dreaming together to create new realities and hopes?

both: I believe�

MerryDeath: Do you believe in each other�s unconditional and infinite love - in the solidarity of each other�s commitment, believe that your fears about the world are reflected in each others eyes, but there is also hope and contentment - and that you do not need to walk through this world alone?

both: I believe�

MerryDeath: Boot and TT, please pour your wines together - *[JA/TT pour wine into decanter while MerryDeath speaks the following:]* - as your wines mix together it symbolizes the mixing of your lives, your creativity, fears, joys, concerns, passions. The drinking of the combined wine signifies the commitment you now make to live your lives as one family. May you remember this day of promise and seal it with the drinking of the new wine - joining your lives as one.

*[TT pours wine into goblets]*

TT: to Love!
boot: to Long Life!

*[TT and JA drink wine after toast, and set glasses down on table]*

* * *

MerryDeath: Please join hands with your betrothed. *[JA/TT hold hands]* Above you are the stars, below you are the stones, as time and ages pass, remember...
Like a stone should your love be firm, like a star should your love be constant. Let the powers of the mind and intellect guide you in your marriage, let the strength of your wills bind you together, let the power of love and desire make you happy, and the strength of your dedication and friendship make you inseparable. By the life that courses within your blood and the love that resides in your heart, you stand with each other today and promise to love wholly and completely without restraint, in illness and in health, in plenty and in poverty, throughout the course of your lives.

May I please have the rings?

*[obtain rings from TT�s brother]*

TT and Boot, as these rings are designed without an end, they speak of eternity, balance and harmony. May their inscription always be a reminder of the way you feel this day, and their resilience be a sign of your eternal love, trust, and honor.

I do not have the right to bind you to each other, for only you know the whispers of your hearts - TT, if your wishes bind you, please take this ring and vow your will�

*[TT takes boot�s rings from the box and places them in the palm of her hand - holds her hand]*

Boot, Believe I love you, for I do�
Believe I am yours forever, for I am�
Believe in the contentment and the joy you give me,
for this ring symbolizes the will of my heart,
and my wish to cherish you as my wife.

boot: I believe.

*[TT slides ring onto boot�s finger]*

*[boot takes TT�s ring from the box and places it in the palm of his hand - holds his hand]*

TT, Believe I love you, for I do�
Believe I am yours forever, for I am�
Believe in the contentment and the joy you give me,
for this ring symbolizes the will of my heart,
and my wish to cherish you as my husband.

TT: I believe.

*[boot tries to slide ring onto TT�s knuckley finger]*

MerryDeath: The promises made today and the ties that are bound here greatly strengthen your union; and as two mirrors draw out an eternity, through time's expanse you will stand together reflecting each other in all things.

MerryDeath said her own closing�

*[the world inhales and holds it breath, released with a kiss that shakes the very heavens]*

*[various clapping and running running away]*

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