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loosing out on a straitjacket opportunity | 10 April 2002 | 6:32 pm

a dream from a while ago:

i am at lex's house after an incredibly athletic and involved game of croquet on his side lawn. the first floor of his house, where i relax, is shaped like a large, square and hollow donut. in the center (the hole) is an amazing fish tank, sitting on the ground and five feet high. there are plants and fish and sounds of trickling abundant, the plants growing out of the tank and down to the floor. it is quite the calm environment.

i sit in a large armchair beside the tank and zone in and out, slightly watching a movie (tv propped up on a corner on a bookshelf) but not following it...seeing that various nekkid people are walking in and out of the room. at times i too am nekkid, at times clothed. strange.

idleboi walks in, naked, and we chat. the conversation is less than a minute long, for before we can really talk much a huge wave of chili rolls in the door. this chili is thick and meaty -- this chili knocks us over and rolls us around the house. this chili is warm and rolling slowly, it is not alltogether unpleasant.


that is the first time i have dreamt of a tidal wave of chili...interesting! tasty and filling!


another dream, this one from last night:

i am in the study of TT and i's current apartment. i watch a man move, his manipulations of a grrlie hanging in the center of the room from ropes. she is clad in vinyl and rubber head to foot, and hanging from a series of complex knots so she is suspended in a frog-like crouching position. the man walks around her and adjusts his knots, making strands tighter here and moving her limbs into different configurations. he compliments her body and will as he does the things and i am completely fascinated at the complexity of the process.

after a while he gently and quickly unties and undresses her -- she sits next to me in her panties. she looks like me, body-type wise, very cute face and smile. i like her...i like him. i am think that he must be taken with her, and since i am similar, perhaps me as well. i do not even have to ask (a good thing since talking from the grrlies is considered a rare and precious thing by them) and am asked to join their secret and underground society. he explains their plight and how they are hunted down for their beliefs and such...he is the leader of the group and just out of jail himself. i accept and they make to leave, stating that soon they will contact me for to test my services and loyalty.

the dream flashes to a phone call, months later. it is the group and i am asked to come on a mission with a few others...another jailbreak. they need diversion and clever witts, they need my help. i rush to my closet, somehow located out on the front porch -- clothes just hanging from rods attached to the ceiling -- and rummage through it for prisonbreak wear while they explain some details and meeting point instructions.

my mother walks out from inside the apartment and complains oh, i see, now you want to go off and socialize with your little friends. what about me? i thought we were going to make the straitjacket today??

although saddened by the prospect of loosing out on a straitjacket opportunity, i tell the group on the phone that i will be there on time and at the appointed place. i rush off, leaving my scowling mother on the porch.

translate that...?

also there was a dream about foreign travel and being crammed into someone's car (with 8 other people) because they were the only ones who knew where to go. once again, this dream -- landscape wise -- was post-apocalyptic.


i would be so sad without these dreams, i would.

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