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spit and hiss | 13 May 2002 | 5:28 pm

my kitties and i are going grey, we are. havanaslab and freyjachunk have little white hairs intermixed with their dark dark coats (anyone have any clue why this is happening?) and when my roots grow and grow in, i notice more silver ones.

silver would rock

sither was here this weekend, and i got a good glimpse at her hair � the only natural color in the family � and the grey stragglers were quite apparent. so good to have the curls, it is, then the strange crinkly strays are a bit blended texture-wise.

i do not really care about going grey, myself�but what about the kitties? one is 4 mo. old and the other is 4 yrs., too young for grey, me thinks. the only thing i can think of is grey-ness from stress�both kitties traumatized in their own ways, unique and bizarre.

slabkity was just up on my lap�shedding. his skin, poor skin�i must ask the vet about it, his skin and his hips.


Kitten Eye Update: thank you gunhead for asking *wave*

    eye appearance: still small, brownish and hazy white�her third eyelid � closed most of the time.

    the kitty optometrist had good news for us � she is very likely going to keep her eye!

    he also let me in on her problems�she has: uveitis (the middle layer of the eye (uvea or uveal tract) is the nutritional layer rich in blood vessels...when inflammation develops in the uveal tract it is called uveitis ),

    a cataract (the word cataract literally means "to break down"� doctors refer to any opacity (or cloudy change) of the lens that causes light to scatter as a cataract )

    and a chance of toxoplasmosis (Toxoplasmosis is caused by a common parasite or one-celled organism. cats are the definitive host and if a female animal is pregnant, sporozoites can spread to the placenta during this phase of infection and infect the fetus) �the toxoplasmosis being something that freyjachunk may have caught from her mother and may also be contributing to or causing the uveitis.

    they are testing for toxo, but most likely the uveitis was caused by severe eye trauma due to the puncturing of both the cornea and the lens behind it by a sharp object (needle, splinter, claw) �shortly after birth.

i am so very happy that we rescued her from that breeder's house out in bumbfuck�dirty dirty there (i keep re-reading that as dirty dirty whore), it was�and full of children in diapers (sagging)-- clutching and squeezing at the cats.


and now, because not properly treated before we rescued her, she will be blind in one eye for the rest of her kitty life.

it makes me spit and hiss.

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