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against it's shrieking | 27 March 2002 | 7:17 pm

working in the engineering library is quite different than my own. the lights here are flourescent -- not spotlights -- and my eyes seem to have a hard time focusing on the keyboard and the puter screen. it is quite the disorienting concept.

the students are pretty much the same...all dazed and greazy. nose in books, hands on thighs. at times they can even surprise me, those crazy students -- in my library, there was a boy the other week who laughed at me when i told him that the library puters were for research only. he Laughed!!

how odd

he laughed again on the way out when i was explaining to blintzy (quite above a whisper) that he should feel free to tell the students that the puters were not for email, internet browsing and chatting, or pr0n. HAHAHA!



i should take the kitten around with me. she is getting quite into the habit of kick/dig/sinking in with her back claws when picked up. she would come in handy, yes, with the patrons of the insane.


my sister and i spoke today. there were ideas proposed *blink* about party sharing and such... heh. we discussed such things without terminus or finality, for we are both quite up in the air and pretty much tongue in cheek and absolutely at the whim.

(such decisions are not our to make -- wanderings and time lines -- we are at the beck, we have our breath bated)

the wind in this library travels through the very walls...i can hear it howl/moaning from where i sit. i want to sleep here, curl back into those whispery breaths, tuck my chin against it's shrieking mouth.

i am supposed to be reading.

i'll off to that...

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