contact be on of us recent in the past
my prototype | 02 June 2005 | 9:54 am

busy week this week - as i am now training my new archivist. she sits about 3 yards from me, which is new/strange. luckily we have a shelving unit in-between or i would be a bit anxious (thank goodness for great spatial design, oh yes *bow*bow* no no, really, stop, *bow*)

let me tell you, there is nothing like 100 on the highway on the way to the airport at 6am to wake the mind (and fingernails in the seat cushion) up - my love can certainly drive like a devil wombat. he is off to southern CA for the day and will be back tonight, leaving me just enough time to run to the corsetiere after work and be squished/fit into my prototype, stop at the Fxxmx store to see if they have a Pxxxxr Fxxxx and tiny Kxyxxxxx Fxxxxx for part of tt's birthday present. it is his 30th, and i am pressuring myself to make it super. he knows about the tea set part and already has the laptop bag part, as it was needed much sooner than his actual birthday. these were the $$ items for sure, ...but as i am not all about $$ presents, and more for giving pieces of myself, i have a little something up my sleeve - they may have to do with balance and mobility, solidarity, and exploration - and of course a bit of kink frosting. one never knows now do they?

i am supposing it is unprofessional of me to use the word "craptastic" in correspondence with other MediaArchivists all over the country - we'll just call it one of my fun little librarian quirks. i am sure they, of all people, will understand.

busy busy me as of late with dance and aikido practice - big test and performance coming up at the end of the month, you see. i am looking forward to sleeping in on sunday already... yes. *heart* to all!

...everybody get down......everybody get down......everybody get down...

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