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kick ass or piss off | 11 February 2005 | 3:40 pm

work work work.

i spent all of today attending meetings, training my intern, and re-writing the archivist position description in anticipation of hiring new staff for my archive. i have also rewritten my job description as a management position. i sent both to my manager, and wished TheLady a great weekend.

i figure in order to move up here, i must first create a position to move up in to.

i am pissed. it is time to kick ass or piss off. we'll see.

...and it's you and me in the summertime
we'll be hand in hand down in the park
with a squeeze and a sigh and that twinkle in your eye
and all the sunshine banishes the dark

...and it's you i need in the summertime
as i turn my white skin red
two peas from the same pod yes we are
or have i read too much fiction?

is this how it happens?

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