contact be on of us recent in the past
condiments anyone? | 11 May 2004 | 8:51 am

last friday we were fortunate enough acquire tix for evil dead live!! *swoon* we were barely above the blood-line, just barely out of range when Ash cut off his hand with a chainsaw and consequently sprayed the first three rows with blood. woo hoo! there were screaming undead and talking deer heads, and a chainsaw, and a shotgun, and and and.... they highlighted all three movies in one sitting. yes, silly... but fun silly! tt and i popped off in a dive bar on the way there for some manhattan preparation and friday decompression... fun dyke bar, yes, and the music was awesome (very beasty boy/heavy dance beaty.)

my new tight pants shrunk - me legs are too tall? the pant legs are too short? i let down the cuffs, seam-ripped 6 inch slits up the sides, ran it up on the machine, added a few "safety" pins across the slits...and voila! super sexy, or uber h0t as the tt denoted...i am starting to look good in tight pants!

*kisses goodbye to 20lbs*
*...looks forward to another 20 gone by october (??)*

hardcore gym four times a week (ok, that is a good week, mostly three) is finally resulting. woot!

so long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, adieu! ADDboy is on the way out (not definite yet, but a girl can dream?) i have convinced his direct manager that he is an unfortunate employee to have in his position. instead of I, we plot now - must find people to replace him ASAP as soon as this is approved. once this is accomplished, the atmosphere at work will shift more toward the enjoy and away from how it is now: my-fucking-dog-what-was-i-thinking i-hate-this-i-hate-this *bangs head on wall again, again*

relishes the future - condiments anyone?

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