contact be on of us recent in the past
the old creative liquid | 30 July 2002 | 10:52 am

a few years ago i would not have ventured off to the dentist alone for a cleaning�let alone a filling. now my teeth are part porcelain�the other parts consisting of a mixture of insect wings, alluvial fan tracings and magic rocks, but that is a whole other sheee-bang.

in the future, perhaps, there will be a little time for myself, but for now i must push crawl drag forward into time.
today at work i am sketching. my boss volunteered me for a geological project�an art project, which i took thinking that i may be here for a while and why not play with oil pastels and get paid for it? but no�this will be a taking-up-my-precious-free-time thing, which is fine�i suppose�and perhaps it will get the old creative liquid pumping.


oh, and add another for the fax i received from bigbird yesterday�a release for to allow them to poke into my past, check for arrest, check former employ and such -- all of which is fine by me, yes, for i burn no bridges. i am worried worried about the other parts of the document, however, the ones that allow them to check my medical records.

    assholeHRdepartmentpeople: i am sorry, ms.booty, but after checking your records and history we have found you unstable and unfit for this position. thank you and goodbye.

    booty: but,�.*sniff*�.but�.!

just another straw�just one more.

i think i am going to pop and disappear, i do.

another fish died this morning, i almost forgot.

the end.

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