contact be on of us recent in the past
stars of the me me me show | 03 December 2002 | 6:14 pm

sometimes i am surprised by a great and wondrous feeling of love�not necessarily for tt, although he is part of it�but for the world and life. this is a new-ish feeling, and one that i am not immediately comfortable with.


pooh pooh.


i think on the impending move and am glad�new leaves to turn in my book, new adventures to lick. i am bored here, an animal, caged. i bruised my knuckle on my dresser on thanksgiving�not really for lack of something to wear, but out of fear and anxiety of seeing the rent at holiday dinner.

yes, the move away is imperative.
for many reasons.


i am tired of feeling watched. go away.
i also grow bored of being judged. buzzzt.

i am happy about the kitty on my lap and the boy in tennessee. i am in love with my friends, each and every one of them. family? this is my friend family.

i dislike people waiting for their chance to talk, the stars of the me me me show, the competition of whose life is worse.

there is no beef, nope. it is b00ty against society, those cold fucks. i observe them every day in their whooplah world of SUVs and ignorance.

perhaps a bigger city will be more open-minded? perhaps i too hard to understand, grasping at nothing�the answers thin tendrils of smoke through my fingers.

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