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supercoolloanpaymentcalculator | 21 March 2002 | 10:16 am

what i have to deal with today, with a little help from the supercoolloanpaymentcalculator (go ahead an play with it, i dare you.):

    Loan Balance: $42,663.49
    Loan Interest Rate: 7.50%

    Loan Term: 25 years
    Monthly Loan Payment: $315.28
    Number of Payments: 300
    Cumulative Payments: $94,583.44
    Total Interest Paid: $51,919.96

if i double my payments:

    Loan Term: 7 years
    Monthly Loan Payment: $654.39
    Number of Payments: 84
    Cumulative Payments: $54,968.39
    Total Interest Paid: $12,304.91

and if i was able to pay, say $1000.00 per month:

    Loan Term: 4 years
    Monthly Loan Payment: $1,031.57
    Number of Payments: 48
    Cumulative Payments: $49,514.67
    Total Interest Paid: $6,851.19

and this, smart shoppers (are you paying attention TT?) is why doubling your loan payments if possible � even adding an extra $50/month can help a huge amount. by doubling my payments, i can refinance from 25years of payments to 7years�and save $40,000.

25 to 7�7 years till free!
it is just ridiculous. pleh.

i am part-time this semester, not half-time (i only needed one class to graduate) so i had some crazy fees and such on my loan account. pleh. they will remove the fees, and i faxed over a one year deferment form this morning. all taken care of.

now all i have to do is:
worry about paying them back
�and how

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