contact be on of us recent in the past
list time, again | 02 February 2004 | 2:38 pm


This is something like a chain diary entry, passed around diary buddies. Try it!

1. Copy this whole list into your journal.
2. Bold the things that you have in common with me.
3. Whatever you don't bold, replace with things about you.

thank you, teclo for the inspiration.

01. i wish i were left handed.

02. i spend a lot of time in front of computers.

03. I like to read.

04. I would like to work around intelligent life forces, but that situation is far from the present situation.

05. I like eating buy candle light - every meal, breakfast included.

06. I am able to cook things people like without following recipes.

07. I am an escapist at heart.

08. I only wear glasses at work.

09. i would like to learn to how to use the pile of art supplies i have around the house without hurting myself.

10. I like cats, especially when they tear around the house for no reason.

11. and dogs - my current favorite: Bouvier des Flandres. Note: they really look like beasts...a neighbor out here has one and my goodness...NOT a poodle.

12. i love choose you own adventure books.

13. I've never been to Bermuda, nor do I have interest in going.

14. i've been to Canada a few times, and lived there for a whole summer when 15.

15. i have an incredible sense of direction what prevents me from getting lost.

16. I enjoy a variety of musical styles.

17. i am a very social creature. i need someone or something to talk to.

18. i like to go for long walks, especially if i am running errands.

19. I've never been around the world - but i've been around the country...*wink*

20. i am a morning person much more than an evening person - but i would like it to be the other way around.

21. i wear the same jewelry every day, mostly because i cannot take them out easily.

22. i tend to trust people until they betray/disappoint me.

23. i am much too open with people, i wish i had more walls.

24. i like being female.

25. i am not a feminist - power for everyone i say, not just women - as long as you have the right ideas/ideals.

26. i'm not an alchemist. how many people are?

27. certain things, I just know. ...there are some that i do not know, though, yes.

28. I do not see much of my extended family, except for the one I like.

29. the act of cleaning anything is zen for me, but i would rather be making the mess.

30. i am much better at filling the empty space with something interesting, than remembering what was actually there in the first place.

31. i believe in animal rights.

32. I love baby animals....except for right after they are born, ew, sticky.

33. I am fascinated by all kinds of people. ...and spend time thinking about the whys and whos of who they are.

34. i would love to travel.

35. I am tolerant of different points of view, sometimes to a fault.

36. i think outsourcing is killing our country and its economy.

37. i hope the democrats can come up with a good candidate - if not, we're screwed even moreso.

38. i have a problem hearing someone talking if there is distracting noise in the background, eeep - speak up!

39. i am not very close with my parents.

40. i tend to be a leader in situations, mostly because i get impatient waiting for others to make decisions - i would much rather not have to though.

41. I really enjoy thoughtful gifts, but i rarely have enough time/energy to be creative anymore.

42. i went vegetarian for three months when i thought i had contracted parasites from meat - worms! ick. ( ended up i did not have them after all.)

43. my mother is excellent with her passive aggressive skills.

44. i rarely smoke anymore - yay for smoke free bars!

45. i'm a very patient person, but my patience better be for a damn good reason.

46. i am currently reading a stack of books.

47. i do not enjoy the company of children, small or otherwise.

48. i do not have cable, but watch the public channel on a regular basis.

49. i think television is sucking the soul out of americans.

50. sometimes i sleep too much.

51. I like silence at times.

52. i like driving very much, but hate other drivers..

53. i love my car.

54. i don't know how to garden. ...but i would like to!

55. i like getting my hands dirty, especially when it is from eating with my hands.

56. i own a bunch of makeup and facial lotion/wash but rarely use the majority of it.

57. i am addicted to coffee. ...blissfully

58. i am not addicted to cigarettes.

59. I am not a member of the mile high club.

60. I obsess. ...and address it as the problem it is.

61. I am employed and can tolerate my job everyday.

62. I have often strived to do what's right, but it doesn't always happen that way.

63. I can get absurd streaks of paranoia. once again, being addressed.

64. many wonderful people have come into my life over the past 7 years or so. i have also done a whole bunch of unhealthy-person housecleaning as well.

65. I like to remember my dreams.

66. I like to people watch.

67. i am against whatever i don't like, and you will probably know it.

68. i love to dance, but i never go dancing. *sigh*

69. I have not seen a lot of bands recently, but would like to.

70. I have smoked pot, and probably would again.

71. i am a closet exhibitionist.

72. i am horrible about mailing things.

73. i hate the current leader of this country. most other people just annoy me.

74. i can say no, but usually try to find a happy alternative.

75. i have not been discriminated against based upon my gender, as far as i know.

76. Sex? yes. please. as soon as possible.

77. i have never orgasmed with penetration alone. practice practice.

78. i think anyone but gwb will win the next presidential election.

79. the possibility of gwb being president again makes me really really sad.

80. i heart online diaries.

81. I have two older sisters and an illegitimate brother i often forget about.

82. i am thinking of getting sterilized.

83. i can't stand baths.

84. i try not to use my diary as a weapon, but sometimes it is loaded.

85. i already knew most of my fellow diarists before they joined diaryland.

86. I daydream constantly.

87. i have dated a total of seven boys and one grrlie.

88. i have made out with more people than i have dated.

89. i am on friendster, but have no interest in it whatsoever.

90. i briefly owned a pigeon, chinese quail, a sparrow, a few mice, fish, hermit crabs and three dogs, three cats before i graduated high school. the turtle, ferrets and current kitties came later.

91. i have been in one semi-serious car accident that was my fault, and one semi-serious car/huge dump truck accident that was not. all the rest were someone else's fault.

92. i haven't talked to my mom in about five days.

93. i am a blowjob queen. although i prefer to refer to it as fellatio goddess, or something.

94. I don't have a ton of true friends. but the true friends i have, i would bend over backwards for.

95. i have been known to be harsh and judgmental, but lately i have been trying to outgrow those traits.

96. I always appreciate honesty, even if the truth sometimes hurts.

97. I like to help people.

98. My grandparents on both sides were from poor or working class backgrounds, and so were my parents.

99. i love to find the root of things...the cause, the start of anything.

100. my current/favorite pet peeve are people that are unwilling to help themselves.

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