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eat or be eaten, kill or be killed | 22 June 2002 | 7:17 pm

this was a day of fish and wishes.

the fish involving the tank
and the wishes involvong the topic of the tt feeling better. such a sad sad boy...and the last few months...*sigh* there are seldom reasons for such things, months and month of tears. when there are reasons it is easier, methinks.
when there are no reasons for is, well, misery.

when i am sad and hopeless, at lest i know where the problems lie...but with the tt...*sigh*

there is so much left to learn. we are at this moment playing noonrlivrsforever and kill kill. everything so fun and perfect.



i suppose so.

i miss his body...and sweat...but time heals all wounds, or something or other...and this is not a relationship problem (as it is proclaimed), so patience and love and support and kisses and kitties are what i can offer to help and hold him.

today i feel like death...dying and rotting and corps-ing.

not only helpless because of this cast and crutches...but also these emotions.

tonight, alcohol and i are getting along quite well.

we have fish fish (kittyfish!) and tetras and swordtails, ...starters really. i expect a half survival rate for the first few batches until the water is properly seasoned and such...but such is the way.

i suppose it is a bad idea to let the fish-store-people in on the fact that i wish to have wild america or be eaten, kill or be killed.


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