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le sigh | 10 September 2002 | 6:29 pm

today is the day i discover how much of a moron i truly am�one of those extremely controlled and well-planned-out

    side note: i typed in well-planned-pout first.

people that makes one of those incredibly irresponsible and unforgivable mistakes�then spends the next few months beating themselves up for their stupidity.

lets say that i somehow scheduled a very expensive and already purchased trip to sf and hawaii for a wedding�and i somehow mixed up the dates. if we are lucky�and that is LUCKY it will be $400.00 to change the dates (and this is only flight wise let alone hotel and such), IF both of us are able to change our vacation dates�which, mine being part of my hiring agreement with my new job, could get very and extremely sticky.

we are doing well, but not that well�not wasting money because of a mistake like this well.

yay for our savings being totally depleted by this stupid stupid grrl.

yay for me.

no wonder why no one wants to buy the cow (a little double negative talk). this milk is not only dripping freely thick and wet, but comes all green tainted and absolutely putrid.

yay, off to sing

�le sigh.

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