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feat. sidekick Focaccia Boy! | 26 July 2004 | 1:14 pm

peh - I am still recovering from the move in February. today i called up the AVID cyborg kitten company to change the information attached to our kittie's microchips. i highly recommend them, yes...and only $6 for the whole family to be updated - not bad for a bit of reassurance if they get lost outside and misplace their collars. peh. damn nudist cats.

had the whole crew over on friday and saturday nights - the crew being fuckboy and his eternaly energetic male enterage. exhausting! - but certainly a fun bunch of people. out to dinner for eritrean food friday - oh my oh my, one step up from ethiopian, how is it possible? tumgasm, yes. luckily on staurday i happened to be making a giganimus pot of creamy spicy veggie soup so i was able to feed the hoard before they took to gnawing on the sofa.

also new - i finally upped the nerve to buy a food processor - a big guy. frivolous, perhaps, but needed. in the past it was cut ingredients for an hour or two, cook for an hour and serve - now it is Zzzzzwrp...zwwwwo0o0o0o...whirwhir and cook and serve. more precious time for the tt and i to do what we do best *bowchikka* it has a dough hook...arrr! i'll make me some bread matey! (see below for my next endeavor)

    Super Pizza Dough feat. sidekick Focaccia Boy!

    just under 3c flour

    1c water

    heavy pinch of salt

    pinch of sugar to feed yeast

    1 package yeast

    1 drizzle olive oil

    (if making focaccia the add around 1tbsp olive oil instead of a drizzle and sprinkle 1/4c water in actual stove before putting bread in to create steam)

    knead thoroughly (10 min with dough hook/food processor - or 20 min by hand)

    let dough rest in fridge for 24hrs before using it like the whore it is

funny: Kerry is a Douche Bag? and my goodness, if you have not sen yet: Kerry vs. Bush this land Cartoon - yee haw.

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