contact be on of us recent in the past
blatently failing with the posting every day thing | 15 May 2003 | 4:49 pm

...all worked out at the moment, time for a quick break.

this week is my first full week at the new job -- and i like-a so far, yes. frisco is a strange place in that there are so many young people live/working here. most of the people in my office (of 163total) are in their late 20s/early 30s. strange...almost like being in college, but ten years off. the whole city is young and out drinking, dancing and singing the karaoke. not unpleasant, nope. this weekend i am off to a costume party of sorts, something common here? and excuse to dress up? we'll see!

this work is fast paced, this is hardcore. everyone at theNetwork moves at hyper-speed, and i am their archivist. interesting.

i have been sleeping muchly this week.

TT has been home for almost two weeks now...mmm. unfortunately he is off early next week, but will be back mid week for a Covenant b-day outing.

someone in the office was just delivered a pine-bough bouquet...mostly pine with some birds of paradise thrown in, not to mention the ARTICHOKE! such a pretty vase too. peh. i cannot say i am not pouty with envy. *frown*

i am not a flower person, mostly, except for orchids and iris...but the landscaping here is fantastic. every yard is a mixed variety of bloom and color, and has been since our arrival. methinks there is no real winter here so the flowers and plants grow year round. there are the yards with only cactus, or only daisys - but mostly yards seem to be erratic wild-flower explosions. walking around in the evening under the dark dark blue, adn smelling these goodness. i am not a pansy flowergrrl, nope, but berkeley is odor-tastic!

two more pieces of furniture to buy...just two...woot! we need something for the front vestibule for to store shoes, and a few bookcases - then our house will be complete

    (there is the whole project of fixing up the basement for kitty pooing rites (so as to get them the crap (heh) out of the studio) but we will just ignore that for the moment...we are talking upstairs and unpacking boxes -- the studio can be hidden)

someone is leaving and they are throwing her a party...frankly, the sooner she leaves, the sooner i get her cube in the cave so bibi pretty. i do not know her anyhoo, nope.

the cave: the current location of the archives - centrally located with no windows but dark dark and warm/womb-ish. mmm... one would think i should be in there since i am the archivist. heh.

i may miss the window and the view of the city - glass and steel ... glass and steel - but the cave is so very cozy and quiet. when we move (sept?) i will have my very own vault to work in. mmm...

i wore my new boots to work the other really tall black leather 18 hole boots with four big buckles up the back, and yesterday i wore my hair back in pigtails - ears/rings exposed.



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