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crapious | 16 April 2004 | 10:03 am


sipping my nummy morning constantcomment is so very painful to the tiny, but swollen, taste bud on the very tip of my tongue. damn. i've tried to bite it, i have...but no. i am uncertain if this would help the situation, but it certainly will be done. i am just to0 fidgety to take this kind of thing tongue in cheek, so to say.

this morning was toast for breakfast (orange marmalade... berry berry jam...jalape�o jelly) and not feeling like my world had caved in.

documents have been written, projects outlined, media catalogued...yes...and calmness returns. i am much too easy to stress, methinks. i remind myself that it's only W*l-M*rt TV but it is also security and rent and 1/3 of 5 days a week, it is much too much, yes.

methinks this is not the actual root of it
it is only the fertilizer (ahem. shit) which encourages the anxiety and sad and rage...the nut.

my new favorite swear is crap. crapCRAPcrap.
it is a good word for it sounds like snap and trap, having such a hard spit at the end, and also is not as offensive as shit - so you can say it anywhere! woo hoo! i also like the variations - crappity - craphaus - crapito - crapious...

i am a seven year old boy trapped in an almost 30 year old librarian.

not sure if these entries are better than the sad ones or not...crap.

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