contact be on of us recent in the past
crappity-crap | 04 June 2003 | 10:28 pm

-- Name: miss b0oty
-- Birth date: may 21, 1974
-- Birthplace: suxburgh, pa - somewhere on the n'arth side
-- Current Location: frisco, ca
-- Eye Color: a non version of blue
-- Hair Color: unnatural red and black spirals
-- Height: the exact same height as sither, although she insists she is taller - and i let her
-- Righty or Lefty: right handed, but the left keeps trying
-- Zodiac Sign: taurus/gemini cusp

-- Your heritage: german, french, russian, scotch, irish, scotch-irish, polish, etc.
-- The shoes you wore today: big black boots
-- Your weakness: pity and trust
-- Your fears: becoming permanently crippled, breaking any of my teeth/the dentist, disappearing, betrayal
-- Your perfect pizza: garlic, onion, feta, spinach, tomato
-- Goal you'd like to achieve: inner strength and resolve

-- Your most overused phrase on AIM: pleh.
-- Your thoughts first waking up: peeeee.......pee pee pee pepepepe...
-- Your best physical feature: lips, curly hairs, height, and my ears
-- Your bedtime: somewhere between sad and awake
-- Your most missed memory: being blissfully happy as a child, being beautiful, being proud, being a poet,...and all else never complete/attain/grasped

-- In love: better than being in sad
-- Have a weird fetish: i suppose i have a weird fetish, i also have a weakness for businessmen
-- Prefer a certain position: fetal, with a kitty cruled up against my belly

-- Smoke: depends on the mood, mooch, moon and moolah
-- Cuss: much more in my inside voice
-- Sing: i make an effort, but i think that time may be done now
-- Take a shower everyday: not really...must sleep later...must sleep...
-- Have a crush: on who i would like to be
-- Do you think you've been in love: what is love anyway? does anybody love anybody, anyway?...wo-ah...wooaaah-o...
-- Want to go to college: i think that time may be done now
-- Like(d) high school: i liked college...
-- Want to get married: oooh...a grrlie made up these questions, didn't she?
-- Believe in yourself: more than i believe in anyone else
-- Get motion sickness: only when drunk
-- Think you're attractive: at times
-- Think you're a health freak: nope, a stealth freak.
-- Get along with your parent(s): yes, it is necessary if i am ever to get even with them, and eventually the world...Muah Ha HA HAHA!
-- Like thunderstorms: my almost favoritest weather, second only to thundersnows
-- Play an instrument: trumpet for ten years, voice for fifteen, and the smallest violin in the world since 1979

In the past month...
-- Drank alcohol: oh my, yes - talk about a monthly happyhour at work ...while getting paid for it. i am so in trouble in the future. *sigh*
-- Smoked: bebop a lula
-- Done a drug: she's my bayee-bee
-- Had Sex: bebop a lula
-- Made Out: i don't mean mayee-bee
-- Gone on a date: no, not really
-- Gone to the mall?: in a state of utter horror, but not shock
-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: god no.
-- Eaten sushi: i had sushi for my birthday dinner...mmm!
-- Been on stage: life is a stage, and i am but a prompter
-- Been dumped: been bumped? been humped? been jumped? been lumped? been pumped? been rumped? -- how come so many of them "umped" words is so sex-u-al, yorp? ...maybe not the lump one unless you have a fetish for goiter
-- Gone skating: nope, but i watched one downtown the other day...i will forever be fascinated

-- Played a game that required removal of clothing: strip uno
-- If so, was it mixed company: yep.
-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: geez...
-- Been caught "doing something": i never do anything, nope, especially not that, nope. was not near there, matter of a fact, have no idea what you are talking about...
-- Been called a tease: that's easy man, i've been called a LOT worse
-- Gotten beaten up: nice language, gotten beaten *shudder* Experienced a bit of roughing up? Taken a beating? (that one is a bit iffy) Been pummeled? Been in the presence of one who happened to open a can of whoop-ass?
-- Shoplifted: directly related to monies in, monies out
-- Changed who you were to fit in: i constantly change, but not to fit in

-- Age you hope to be married: hello boys out there, you see the miserable yuk us grrlies deal with since the moment of our births? this filth that sets children and weddings as life-altering goals... this waiting and anticipation crap. man. no wonder i am insane.
-- Numbers and Names of Children: N/A References available upon request.
-- Describe your Dream Wedding: at the right time to the right person, somewhere memorable, romantically, and for the right reason
-- How do you want to die: just before the ones i love most
-- Where you want to go to college: i went everywhere i wanted to
-- What do you want to be when you grow up: happy, not anxious, not furious, not a grown-up

In a guy/girl..
-- Best eye color? all the better to contain your oh so different and aching soul (that would be a banner reference, for explanation)
-- Best hair color? calico
-- Short or long hair: long hair holds more secrets and shampoo
-- Height: taller than me...someone has to be able to get the pots out of the top cupboard and justify a longer bed
-- Best weight: heavy enough to play on a see-saw with me - whee!
-- Best articles of clothing: *sigh*
-- Best first date location: just you n'me in the front seat on a long long road trip
-- Best first kiss location: nose to nose

-- # of drugs taken illegally: this counts caffeine, nicotine and alcohol, right? how about prescriptions? and love? and sex?
-- # of people I could trust with my life: my life is in my hands only and i do not even fully trust myself
-- # of CDs that I own: this is random, and i refuse to care
-- # of tattoos: a few here and there
-- # of scars on my body: lots and lots, some of which i am proud of, but mostly they carry memories of horror
-- # of birthmarks: i was not blessed in this manner
-- # of things in my past that I regret: a number which, when compared to time, decreases

and the crazy cat lady tosses her cats, unrelenting.

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