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a little closer | 24 February 2004 | 4:48 pm

damn you sinus, your insistence is maddening.

damn you ADDboy, what do i have to do, to have you leave? the means is much more tiring after a few months than a simple knock to the back of the spine would be, i am certain, �and yet i remain flaccid and ineffective�but determined.

damn you landladyes for taking the last two weeks of my life without asking � i have no time for your meddlesome excremental calls, as of sunday evening it ends.

i will have the end of this
in my favor.

i will sleep the sleep of young children
theMan not yet sucking at their delicate lobes
- their feverish heads free to drift and sway
breathing solid and swift, each one a little closer to death�


i am so hating now.

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