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other tasks as assigned | 08 July 2002 | 4:15 pm

yay for wyverns!

I took the What Mythological Creature Are you? test by lj user peacefulchaos.



today i taught lex to do yet more of my job�i would like to see where this task is listed in my job description. they would probably try to list it under other tasks as assigned which can cover anything from training your boss to getting down on your knees and squeeing like a pig.

anyhoo�enough bitching.

last weekend:

    i broke the brita

    TT and i checked out a second local strip club which icked me out�oh my that grrlie was skinny�i mean, put some clothes on! i just wanted to take her home and make her a sandwich and some soup. there was a goth grrlie there though, fit and curvy�mmm!

    there was a fine neverwinter escapade. unfortunately the laptop has a wonky videocard�so even with the lan, playing together is too slow and damn near impossible. i just want to play with my TT�not just watch. oh, and deathmatch sucks, so don�t even.

    we visited the TTrents and played on their porch swing. they fed us pork! squeeeee!

    there is new plecostamus in the tank, this one moves�! if i had only known that those of the bristle mouth genus were especially sensitive to ph differences�rrr. anyhoo, we have a living sucker now.

    we bought a new brita

    i danced on my foot for the first time�that smarts! it was only the big boots constricting though�no worries.

    we had a nummy insanemexican dinner�mmm!

    TT and i snuggled to a pink panther movie.

and now, time for home!

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