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legs slightly jerking�my arms starting to twitch | 10 June 2002 | 3:16 pm

a dream:

i am a librarian, corporate. i have not quite yet figured out the best way to get to work in the morning. this time i try to walk it, but a quarter of the way there i am already exhausted and useless, unfitting of my sharp sexy librarian attire.

i decide to hitch the rest of the way and carefully slide my way down a steep, dirt embankment toward the nearest road. it is shady, an underpass, all dark and metal angles. a car slows�stops. it is a large hoodie car with lots of bouncy suspension and sub-woofer action. they offer a ride and i happily accept.

i slide in the back seat where there is room and end up stretching my legs up and over someone, �someone very small. at first glance i think it is a child because it is making human-like whimpering noises and wearing a little red outfit � but then i notice the ears and the fur. the men in the car explain to me that it is their pet chiwawa�only it is a mix thusly the scraggly hair and jacket. interesting!

we bounce bass-ily along and they drop me off close to my building. i wave goodbye and get to work.

my building is 144 floors high, the offices fill the floors and the parking lot is on top on the roof (thusly my reasoning for not driving to work).

TT meets me later for the office concert which is held in the office auditorium, located directly beneath the parking lot and taking up about 10 floors, the walls lined with set upon set of bleachers. the concert this year is some brittanyspearsishNync-icky extravaganza, so TT and i leave just after role is taken.

we take the elevator up to the parking lot where mother�s volvo is parked. TT�s eye is caught by some billboard by the elevator doors, so i tell him that i will bring the car around and then we can go. sure, and with a dismissing wave from him i am off toward the car.

from the roof the view is fantastic. my building is located close to the river, right next to it is a huge and intricate bridge stretches up as tall as the building. on the opposite side of the water, at the building�s back, is a huge rock cliff which towers up over the building.

i walk out toward the car on the far edge of the roof, the only spot available at the time and the one the furthest away from the elevators and TT. i hear the scream at the same time that the roof underneath my feet shifts. the amazing weight of the people in the bleachers (more than there were supposed to be damn popular crappy bands) has caused them to fall and fall on top of one another, bringing down pieces of the walls and supports as well.

the roof is careening down at an angle toward the river and cracking with huge and impossible faults. i start to run toward the car (it is a volvo after all, and safe), but quickly change my mind and start back toward TT.

i run and jump across the cracks as the part of the roof that i am on slides further and further off of the top of the building and away from the elevators. the angle keeps getting steeper and now when i jump i have to land on my stomach and grab for the ends of the cement slabs. all around me there are falling cars and cement, people scream up from below as they are crushed.

the parking lot smacks into the bridge and the parking lot slabs stop moving and disintegrating. i am in a state of intense calmness/shock. it is the same feeling one has when a severe car accident has been just barely avoided, the feeling one has when they look up from their book just in time to see the bus careen by just in front of their eyes.

i am calm and relieved,

but then suddenly the part of the roof that i am on falls�and falls fast, dropping out from beneath my feet. parts of the bridge have been crushed and damaged and i grab on to a severed electricity cable as i fall.

i swing from this cable toward another, closer to a place to land. i test cable number two before releasing my weight onto it. i repeat this a few times, some of the tested cables falling when tug on them, falling 144 stories down to the river. i am still calm, expecting at any moment to die. i am at peace with this.

at last, and amazingly, i come to a spot where there is a slanty slab of concrete to jump onto�but there are two women holding each other in my way. they celebrate being alive while i am slowly swinging over an abyss. i can feel the charge in the cable flowing through my body, my legs slightly jerking�my arms starting to twitch.

excuse me, but would you mind taking your reunion elsewhere?

they scatter/scuttle away and i am just able to throw myself down on the slab, catching the edge with one hand and pulling myself slowly and shakily up to my feet. there is an old woman watching me and i roll my eyes and point to the women. she nods her head�completely understanding.

i call to TT who is still a few precarious jumps away but he cannot hear me and is so absorbed in what he is reading that he has not even noticed most of the roof breaking away. i jump a crack closer and call again, still nothing. i have to do this myself.

finally i jump the last jump, barely holding on, and am able to crawl over to him. i tap his leg, a bit too hard � more like a slap or punch � and he looks down to me, annoyed that i disturbed his reading until he looks around and sees the destruction. he snaps out of his trance and i suggest, perhaps if we can make it to the cliffs before the building completely collapses we will survive? and we run, the roof shaking and trembling underneath our feet.


someone pointed out to me that 144 is 12 squared.
does this mean anything?

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