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with hell on her heels | 08 March 2002 | 11:35 am

lunch with the TT and...

AND...the idlechic!!


banannon should be here soon for to pick up her concert tix (the hadassah concert, add biddies) and to see the freyja.

there...freyja, i said it!

kitten will live! she tromps around the house with hell on her heels -- hell at times being the havanalog, but regardless -- she is quite the crackerkitty.

i will nickname her cyclops...

TT and me, tocether in the study, *bop*bop*boppin* around to the fuckgrrl's cds!! thank you for all of the assimilation!! mix cds do come in handy, they do!

i *heart* a good mix...!

and later some grrlie shopping time with the idlechic while the TT good american's day for him, no no.

i slept a little last night, falling asleep to siouxsie videos and purrs...


oh, idlechic has whackittywhack dreams! check out.

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