contact be on of us recent in the past
to be lowmen | 22 February 2002 | 12:29 pm

strange how these random bruises keep showing up on my inner thighs...and no, dirty, not from sex. interesting. perhaps i'll ask about them at my doktor appt on monday, but probably not.

i already have the chest pains to ask after you see...

as well as the main reason for going, being that of a bump on my foot...not there last year, then there and mushy, now bigger and more solid.

i hope i am not budding


heh. most likely just another calcium deposit like in the other foot. perhaps the surgery for this one won't be as bad? *hopes*

today is nothing but excitement and happy. i await lunch and the end of work and drinks and fun and airport and home!

last night thelittleprince and i watched heartsinatlantis. spooky. i was thinking of halloween and how interesting it would be to get a bunch of people together to be lowmen. mmm. either that or spies/secret agents. we could all be silly and call each other over the course of the night -- sending secret coded messages over the phone. heh.


essay question (10pts.):

    In the movie Dancer in the Dark (2000), which out of these 4 characters do you sympathize more with:
      Selma (Bj�rk:Delusional Czech immigrant who works in a tool factory by day and doing odd jobs by night - saving money for an eye operation for her son.),
      Kathy (Catherine Deneuve:Fellow factory worker and selfless, supportive friend),
      Bill (David Morse:Landlord of Selma, a man pushed to drastic measures by his crumbling familial situation), or
      Jeff (Peter Stormare:Willing suitor who is turned down repeatedly when he offers Selma support and love)?

    When answering, be sure to associate your personal feelings and/or thoughts into your essay. Note:Answers must be well-rounded and show evidence that all four characters were thoroughly studied and dissected.

ten and a half hours until love! (and only half an hour till lunch, five and a half till drinks/relaxation/fun�) *hopes for an early flight*

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