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scoffed at by the so-called sex savvy | 13 February 2002 | 1:14 pm

a dream last night:

i wonder around, eventually to find myself in the confines of a caterer�s kitchen. i am employed for the evening, and so excited about it, after all, i am the one that gets to use the cookie cutters and play with the dough! there is the boss, the older grrl and a punkyfunk grrl. it is a grand time.

after all the work is done and the shop cleaned, i am offered more work tomorrow�which i happily and smilingly accept. the older grrl offers to drive the punkyfunk grrl and i home, somewhere in boston. we accept! lovely evening. we all pile into the older grrl�s van and are on our way. a large puddle across the road turns out to be the ocean, and we swim out of the now-sinking van. we must walk home.

no worries, punkyfunk grrl and i are heading in the same direction and we hop and jump our way merrily along in our red red red vinyl sneakers.


my jaw still hurts from the anal-rape-and-death dream last week�i am thinking i had the dream because of impending sickness and perhaps the onset of an ear infection (thusly the aching jaw and such.) my ear was ringing on and off, of course my thoughts immediately breaching that of my rent�s tenitus (ten-eye-tuus) damnit. and i hate these thoughts, for i am sure that if it happened to me i would grow increasingly insane and off it all.

it would bug me to death, it would.

but today no ringing�no woozy�no dizzy. the cough/sneez/sniffing seems to be doing its job marvelously�the sick is on the way out.

professor, what�s another word for pirate treasure?
why, i think it�s booty, booty
bababababooty, booty�

get it? hrm?


the rent has offered to fund my party a la graduation�woah. that there would be one hefty trip to the liquor store! woot!

and my thoughts turn to the specialist�and please help�and please? negative negative and nothing and no answers. damnit. *kicks everyone in range*

don�t touch me
cuz i�m electric
and if you touch me
you get shocked�shocked�shocked!

did you ever notice that most songs are sung by muppets, for instance, davidbyrne and/or the talkingheads are fuzzy little vegetables, davidbyrne specifically being an eggplant.

isn�t it obvious?

sometimes when ill or running courses, my body makes certain demands�some of which involve alkiehol and/or various exotic juices, sometimes varied versions of international foods�but today, hoagie. my body wants a hoagie for lunch�and a hoagie my body will get! eep! that and some nummy strong coffee and a chapter or two of:

    the guidetogettingiton which, silly though it may seem � and even wrongly scoffed at by the so-called sex savvy � is one of the best books to ever possess (and WELL worth the $20.00). i read this from cover to cover three years ago, a borrowed copy, and have since decided to purchase. you turn up your nose, but you miss out on the fun! this book is like having the most intimate and fun conversation with myself. heh. next you read it, TT. yes.

hoagie ingested, mission complete. strange to sit there at lunch surrounded by men, while mange-ing down a breadstick and reading a sex-guide book � may make one a little self-conscious.


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