contact be on of us recent in the past
until there is b0oty no more | 09 January 2002 | 2:26 pm

*yawns* it is done. [insert dark tones and ominous tember here].

the car is in the shop

everything was smoothe silk as i slipped the mechanicmen the keys and a phat check. they winked at me, and professed friday as a pickup time, and oh darlin� will they be in touch...


finally, one of my worries out of the at least...almost.

i called the insurance-fuckos today again about my claim and such -- but they were of course not in and could you please leave us a message...*beep*

hello, this is [bootygrrl], ssn 000-00-0000, calling with regard to my claim involving a surgery performed on me on september 28th, not to mention the necessary blood-testing in the two weeks proceeding, and the charges associated therein.
i am very concerned with the fact that my large and heavily ringed fist is up your ass, and would like to inquire if you were partial to the way i used no lubrication, or more inclined to notice how i rammed it up there fast and bloody, right to the elbow.
please eat your own shit as soon as possible, for i fear that if you keep annoying me i�ll have to get severe.
thank you and sincerely die, [bootygrrl].


more and more,
and i wait for the end and it will never come
until i make it, until i stop this incessant breathing,
until there is b0oty no more.

i worry and worry, anxious and shaking. i worry about driving, riding the bus, grocery shopping, my friends, my kitties, my bootyboi, the car, my insurance, school, my future, if there is a future, �etc.

it just goes and goes, onward and downward, spiral, splat.

and i do not sleep well�lets worry about that a bit�
or worry about my thWart-ed toe
or the itch below
or that weird lump on the top of my foot
or the pains veining around my hip when i walk or fuck.


later i may even go into last night, and what i thought about for about five hours before i fell asleep.

isn�t nyquil supposed to help?

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