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damn haus-wivery | 11 December 2001 | 12:09 pm

something i learned this weekend:

    the "chili powder" that one buys in an indian grocery is not as similar to the "chili powder" one buys in any common grocery as one would think.


    very spicy vegetarian chili.


speaking of cooking and such...which knives are sexier?

the wusthof-trident culinar series
the lion-sabatier fuso series?

(thanks to the Knives and Tools Online site for their pictures...and thanks to nanimal's wife for her culinary advice, cheftress that she is. i should get one of those sets in the metal case...and walk around like a badass.)


tell me which and why in my! i really can only afford one or two knives a year and such, but i figure that i should start collecting now -- especially because i *heart* to cook!

damn haus-wivery. heh.

kitty reclining on my lap...havanalog...why oh why do you push your little nose and eyes into my elbow crook? what are you hiding from in your little kitty world? i love the kitty, and the other as well, my sesharoadbump-er. what would i do without your wiley ways?

the estimate on car damage is in:

$1,126.00. holy fuck.
the old man has decided to go through his insurance after all...good for us in ways, for we get a rental while the audi is hammered back into shape and such. i am hoping that our insurance does not go up, however...but then again, it was not our fault.

i hope this does not get sticky...

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