contact be on of us recent in the past
gyne, this, that, theotherthing | 14 November 2001 | 6:53 pm

...and today a bill, from my insurance, stating that my surgery was not covered at all.


...and i am panting...heart beating...

they say that the codes approved in the first place were not the codes submitted...they say these incorrect codes mean i have to pay everything myself...

worth it, yes.

am i going to pay?


i was told to call the office if there was any problem, and i shall tomorrow so they can resubmit the claim with the correct codes.



one would think that i talk to them enough...calling for appointments for both myself and bootyboi for teeth, eyes, gyne, this, that, theotherthing.


i'm only 27 and today i feel about 42, run down, sleepy.

perhaps this eggnog with rum will help...

perhaps if i watch some more sopranos and have kitty snuggle time...


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