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totally flustered at work | 2001-08-16 | 3:04 p.m.

mmm...i just finished reading the archives of mysexlife and i am not only totally flustered at work (shame on this librarian...shame) but i am also plotting for the reunion of my love this evening...9:55pm. lili's words inspire me, even give me some new ideas...but now i am kicking myself for not writing down somewhere the history of at least the last few years, if not the whole history. mmm.

and i am going to loose it all, or forget...?

is it better to forget so you can start anew with others?

better to remember so as to use experience as a solid base for sexbliss?


i really do not know. perhaps better to keep precious little memories as secrets for the self (i just typed one in, but deleted it...) shame on me.

mayhaps i'll have to keep a secret journal on the side...*eeVil grin*

what do you think?

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