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toma-toes for me! | 2001-07-09 | 9:16 p.m.

it is now after 9pm, and i am grimey, icky, stinky...eww. not to mention the fact that there is a baby being all "cute" outside or something. yeah. *smirk* cute. pleh.

today was the last moving trip to the old apartment! whee! i have salvaged my mint and a few pepper plants, ...although all of the grapevine-tomatoes had to stay because they are taller than me ...and too beautiful to touch. so many little toma-toes for me! *grin* at least the land-ladee said i could go back all ninja to take them with when ripe.

i am satisfied with that, methinks.

and i wait for TT on messenger to no avail. i think i will go wash off the slugs, ...and pet the kities while i wait.


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