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a satin coccoon, only my mouth exposed | 2001-06-27 | 8:50 a.m.

i have little claws tearing at my belly... tying my intestines up in knots. daemons?

i just know that it hurts, but in ignorance i continue...

i think i mat have just killed another mosquito...

notes to self:

    do not be afraid.

    this is the time of year for dreams about mosquitoes and wasps and peeling back your own skin out of frustration.

    do not be afraid.

i think i killed it, but there was no little body, ...and i so like to be sure. *sigh*

now i feel all itchy. last night, i wrapped myself up in a satin coccoon, only my mouth exposed to the little beasties. eww.

and i digress...again...the main purpose of this entry to log the weekend, a weekend of bootylishious birthday fun...and damn the airport, bringing my boy to me four hours late on an hour long flight. i could have almost driven to him by then, ...almost. pleh.

and there was TT birthday saturday starring nummy middle eastern food and ruskie cake! don't forget the special guest apperance of a half clothed bootyboi diving behind the bushes, in-cog-neato to steal me flowers from our alma-mater. fun! i crown him my hero.

and sunday, a present to him, depecheMode. mmm. good weekend, we'll just ignore the killing time with little kids in the pool-hall in a foreign state (ohio) thing.


its only you, who can tell me apart
and its only you who can turn my wooden heart least those are the words in my skewed little world.

babyhead, you rule...!

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