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get wet...the high | 2001-06-22 | 1:05 p.m.

today is doomed to be agonizingly long, methinks, ...but then again, are not most fridays? ...especially now that i wait through the whole day for to see my TT.

pad-thai for lunch today, with lots of lemon and hot pepper sauce! mmm!! it has been a few hours, so i think the whole swimming thing will be a'iight. wearing my swimmin' suit to work is a plus and an encouragement for me to walk down to the pool and get wet...the high level of humidity is also a factor.

i think i am bored. i think i am boring. i crave change...*very glad to be moving at the end of the month* that should keep me busy for a while.

i just did a huge amount of research on provenance for a MLIS paper, but i think i am going to end up working on a journal project in the art library for credit instead. papers suck, lots. i just have to find out what they wish for me to do. perhaps will later be related to a volunteer position at the war-hol museum. that would rock...time capsules here i come!


need change.

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