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unfettered by proper ethically-based controls | 2001-06-21 | 2:30 p.m.

i am trying to grow/start a honeysuckle plant. for the past few mornings i have taken snippets from the church property at the bus stop...and have become the crazy-branch-bearing-anti-social-grrlie on the bus. at least now i have something with which to hit the people who come to close to me on the bus.


so far, no roots, has been only two days. i so adore honeysuckles. it would be groovy to have some of my very own.

i am so so amused: incest. HA! "...the inevitable result when science and money find themselves unfettered by proper ethically-based controls." ok. something is wonderful about this, although disturbing at the same time. fun to get around social "proper" ethical controls in this way, almost without a hitch...would have been more interesting if the children turned out at siamese twins (although the birthing from two different mothers would make that quite impossible.) i wonder which one of the twins will be dominant now -- after not having the time to fight it out over food supply in the womb. they'll probably both end up genetically fucked anyhoo, with related genes and such.

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