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bizarre nipple-study thoughts | 2001-06-08 | 11:15 a.m.

...and i think of so many things that i need to accomplish for the move and such. i think i am saving this afternoon for poetry...i think.


and lunch with f0o today! always, always a good thing.

last night there were nipples in my dream, attached to a very romanesque-statue-like-woman, very pallas of athenae, very smoothe and stoic. she, naked, held a staff and watched me progress through my dream. her nipples were a wonder, stood out on their own as little rounded cylinders, somehow smaller at the base than at the tip as if they had little metal bands around them...but no bands were there.

these are just thoughts i had in the dream, mind you, bizarre nipple-study thoughts.

in the dream i was watching out for the welfare of a tiny, perfect, yellow chick. it did not seem odd to me that the little chick talked instead of peeped. eeVil chased us, although i can not remember quite who they were, only that in the end, the chick and i were safe, and being watched out for by various roman godesses.

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