contact be on of us recent in the past
...soup! (not soap) | 2001-06-04 | 12:41 p.m.

this weekend revolved around phonecalls and phlegm. let me be more specific, slightly...apartment calling/viewing and conversing with landlords and related, ...all while still sick.

today i cough. repeat.

but i think that we(pl) have found a home, a home for to raise our kitties. *grin* groovy. not only in the area that we wanted, but with 3 bedrooms...laundry stuff, hardwood, dining room, and in the specific price range that we thought we would be able to work with.

this is exciting, are you excited yet??

we(TT) hear from the landladee today and will see what happens. i am so overwhelmed by the whole thing. inbetween deciding to or not to take the apartment, we talked of us(pl) and facts such as what signing a lease together means in association with our relationship. interesting conversations.

we decided and toasted/treated ourselves with nummy wine and ...soup! (not soap)

i am ready...we are ready...lets jump!

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