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open doors/nekkid numminess | 2001-05-25 | 11:43 a.m.

dread about guests is gone and replaced with warm-happy-fuzzy thoughts. mmm... so good to me, they are, and i miss them more every time they go, ...but i have them until monday morning!! yay!

yesterday was full of catching up and b-day presents *guilt*guilt* that i am so poor...and so are they. *sigh* so fun! and apple crisp! and a japanese rope bondage demonstration.

i so *heart* the fact that these friends are comfey around/with/under/over me nekkid. *waits for the same comfortability with them and TT* although we did experiment with open doors/nekkid numminess last night. such things are so so wicked.

i feel dirty.

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