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this is gross and such | 2001-05-14 | 9:59 a.m.

dreams about bathrooms, and stalls, and poop! poop everywhere and puddles all over the floor and disgusto-awful stuff. i am supposing this is from anxiety, oh yes.


TT came into work to visit me, which for some odd reason was now located in a little campus i used to frequent with drum cpros when in highschool, ...anyhoo, he came in to visit me, smootch and such, and i asked him to wait for me in the hallway so i could run to the bathroom quickly. he sat down in one of the desk/chair combos in the hallway surrounded by lots of nummy geeky CMU types, and comfortably started conversations with them.

seeing that he was settled, i took off to the lavatory, which was covered in shit and pee, everywhere, and toilet paper and awful, and i had to go! what to do but get really upset over the whole thing, and every stall was worse than the last. finally, not only did i have to go to the bathroom, but my mouth filled with vomit as well. (ok, this is gross and such, but that was the worst it got...)

i tried to find an empty stall for to do such things and every toilet was taken and horrible. finally found one and did everything (very trainspotting and awful).

TT came in to look for me, for an hour had passed or so, and i hid in my horrible stall, feeling sick and pretty much too disgusting to go on. he was all swanky in suit stuffs, and i watched him walk up and down before the stalls in this horrible bathroom, stepping in who knows what. truly horrible. he left, and i opened the stall. at this point i was covered in shit/puke and crying/shaking and not knowing what to do...

i looked around and saw a wonderful sight, a shower! and spotless! amazing! the moment i stepped into the shower, the whole bathroom was clean, as was i, and i felt safe. i took off my clothes and washed/scrubbed in rapture.

at this point i noticed a tall punky/hippie guy (??) watching me. i made sure to put on a show from that point on. woo!

when done, i dressed in clean clothes, kissed the punky boy, and went off in search of TT. not in the hallway, not in the building. punky boy followed me and held my hand. he suggested that we look for TT at a party he knew of in a nearby basement. i thought it a good idea and was so worried that TT was angry with me, not only for being sick in the bathroom and taking so long, but for kissing the punky boy as well. oops.

i went to the party, no TT there, and a drug bust, punks tossing bags of pot around everywhere, off their person, so as not to get arrested. hundreds of bags of pot flying through the air. and we walked up the stairs, out the two big swinging 45degree angled basement doors into the evening. i left the punk boy at the party, not really wishing to have association with him, using the bust as a chance to loose him, escape, ...and wondered out into the night looking for my TT.

and i woke up almost an hour late,

left the house in 6 min. flat, ran to the bus stop, and opened the library on time. wow.

i would like to go home to shower.


hooray for pajamas to work day!

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